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Bibical religion: The Great Lie
Dziedzina: Biblia
Autor: Michael Kalopoulos
Miejsce i rok wydania: 2003
Wydawca: Xlibris
Liczba stron: 421
Wymiary: 13x21 cm
ISBN: 1-4010-9954-8
Okładka: Miękka
Ilustracje: Tak
Cena: 47,00 zł (bez rabatów)
[ Pozycja niedostępna ]
OpisThe truth about Bible after thousands of years! Poisonous sorcery and artful deceit explain the "miracles" of the biblical patriarchs
This book is the result of original and daring research into the archives of our religious heritage. It grew out the comparison of the Biblical texts with the strikingly similar parallel tales of Greek-Mediterranean Mythology.
Our cross examination of evidence from Archeology, Mythology and Theological Texts has shed new light on the cunnig, deceitful and authoritarian nature of religion.
Witness Abraham, a Chaldean sorcerer and his disposessing assault against the Canaanites, Joseph single-handedly usurping the power of Egypt and moses spreading terror and death in unsuspecting Egypt, finally luring the Egyptian army into a death trap by the Red Sea.
Read for the first time an explanation of the events described in the Bible, that does not resort to metaphysics or miracles and exposes the true nature of the biblical patriarchs.

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Pobierz katalog pozycji
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2. Anatol France - Bogowie pragną krwi
3. John Brockman (red.) - Nowy Renesans
4. Jan Wójcik, Adam A. Myszka, Grzegorz Lindenberg (red.) - Euroislam – Bractwo Muzułmańskie
5. Wiktor Trojan - Axis Mundi
6. Barbara Włodarczyk - Nie ma jednej Rosji
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8. Mariusz Agnosiewicz - Kryminalne dzieje papiestwa tom II
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5. Ludwik Bazylow - Obalenie caratu
6. Kerstin Steinbach - Były kiedyś lepsze czasy... (1965-1975)..
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