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A New Romanticism
Dziedzina: Kultura i sztuka
Autor: Andrew Chavez
Miejsce i rok wydania: 2006
Wydawca: Airleaf Publishing
Liczba stron: 272
ISBN: 978-1600021305
Okładka: Miękka
Ilustracje: Nie
Cena: 48,00 zł (bez rabatów)
[ Pozycja niedostępna ]
OpisSing my doubtful and dubious singer. Let all the right notes flow from your willing and eager throat And leap joyfully from the contours Of your compelling and propelling lips. From: Fixed And Focused The best and the brightest in the human mind Grows in a spiritual environment. The current culture wars fought between religion and secularism Gets this response from me: You are both right and you are both wrong. From: It Is Easy To Believe Often I hear how there is no real in reality. My argument that proves this false is an experiment That is as simple and elegant as they come. Hold your breath And while you are holding your breath Keep repeating in your mind, There is no reality. From: It Is Easy To Believe

Andrew Chavez is currently living in Manhattan, Kansas and is happy to present this updated and revised version of, A New Romanticism, to the public. "I am hoping to draw attention to some remarkable human attributes that are currently as poorly understood as they are poorly utilized despite the pressing need we have for them and despite their availability to one and all."

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